#include #include #include void display(char[100][100] , int); void score(char[100][100] , int); void main() { char arr[100][100]; int size; int x; int y; int m=0; int n=0; int z; int u; int v; char temp; int flag=0; clrscr(); cout<<"PLZ enter the size of the table you want to play:"; cin>>size; for(int i=0;i>temp; if(temp== '2'){ while(flag !=(size*size)){ display(arr,size); if(flag%2 == 0) cout<<"Player 1 turn:"<<"\n"; else cout<<"player 2 turn:"<<"\n"; cout<<"row:"; cin>>x; cout<<"column:"; cin>>y; flag++; if(flag%2 != 0) arr[x-1][y-1]='X'; else if (flag%2==0) arr[x-1][y-1]='O'; } display(arr,size); } else if(temp=='1'){ while(flag != (size*size)){ display(arr,size); if(flag%2 == 0){ cout<<"Your Turn:"<<"\n"; cout<<"row:"; cin>>x; cout<<"column:"; cin>>y; arr[x-1][y-1]='X'; flag++; } else{ z=flag; while(m